Howard Lindzon Brings Lindzanity to Premium Rooms

Premium Rooms on StockTwits gives you unprecedented access to exclusive content, concepts, and analysis from leading minds in business and finance. Howard Lindzon of Social Leverage is one of those leading minds on the Premium Rooms platform.
Below is an introduction to the unique content you’ll find in Howard’s Lindzanity Premium Room on StockTwits.
Hi. I’m Howard. I’ve been a financial industry entrepreneur and investor for over 20 years. Aside from writing books, occasionally doing interviews, and acting as the co-founder and chairman of StockTwits, I make early stage investments through Social Leverage.
Now, I’m bringing my gut feelings and random trade ideas to Premium Rooms.
In my Premium Room, you’ll have access to my top picks, ideas, and Q&A sessions. As I make regular posts with my picks and ideas, you (yes, you!) can also help grow my community by upgrading or downgrading comments and sharing your own thoughts along with mine. I’ll be talking about what I’m looking at for today, tomorrow, and beyond as I focus on the innovation in personal finance and do-it-yourself investing.
Howard Lindzon of Lindzanity, Now on StockTwits Premium Rooms
Premium Rooms is an amazing platform, and the only platform where you’ll receive exclusive access to my current ideas, trades, and other market minutiae I’m following. So, get started with a free trial today, and I look forward to seeing you in Lindzanity.
What Entrepreneur Magazine Says About Howard Lindzon
“A prolific blogger and serial entrepreneur (StockTwits is his crown jewel), Lindzon is founder and general partner at Social Leverage, an eclectic seed fund. He typically finds entrepreneurs before they find him. Here’s what he likes: founders who show grit, solve problems and won’t crumple in chaos. Here’s what he ignores: business-news TV and spreadsheet-based decisions. His fund’s average investment: about $600,000.”
To follow Howard Lindzon’s trades, visit Lindzanity on StockTwits to subscribe today. You’ll only find this level of insight from Howard and others on Premium Rooms, ideas that matter on a platform you trust.
Howard Lindzon Brings Lindzanity to Premium Rooms was originally published in The Stocktwits Blog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.