March 31, 2025

How a Former Biostatistician Became a Pro Trader

Anne-Marie is well known on Stocktwits. She has been a member since 2009. She studies markets full-time and has a unique background. She recently opened a Premium Room on Stocktwits to build a private community for those who want to learn, grow, and try to beat the markets with her.

We sat down for a Q&A and learned more about her career in financial markets and what she’s set out to accomplish.

A picture of Ann-Marie, also the founder of

Tell us a little more about your background and everything you’ve accomplished in markets.

I am educated as a mathematician with graduate work in biostatistics but left the biosciences industry early to run a recruiting business for more than a decade before selling the entity and finding the markets. I have authored two market studies books that remain excellent sellers for McGraw-Hill Finance and can be found on Amazon. I have been an active trader, coach and grey box system developer for 11 years. I engage in the markets daily — my primary revenue is generated through trading and I have skin in the game every day. I also run a Managed Futures Fund with a FINRA specialist who executes the trades I direct for my clients.

I have been featured in articles in the Wall Street Journal, Forbes, S&P Capital IQ, Technical Analysis of Stocks and Commodities, and many more — I appear often on the TD Ameritrade Network and SchwabLive to discuss current market conditions and speak in public venues across the world about the markets.

What will new subscribers get when they join your Premium Room?

A concise morning assessment of the trading day with relevant swing setups that may last as little as a day and as much as several weeks. We look at high fliers in the markets, but also stocks running under the radar. We will take a combination of long and short trades in stocks and ETFs using options and stock. Each trade will have an alert that goes out immediately when I take the trade with notes. Alerts are sent when I enter and when I exit. As a member, we will have an open dialogue about our trades. We recap at the end of the week how our performance is running and what trades are still engaged as well as what we might be looking at in the future.

How do you approach markets and how long have you been involved?

I’ve been active in the markets for 15 years and look at charts from a macro view and then a wide technical view. Once we examine those features and deem them viable, we then use our proprietary software to strategize and set up our trades.

What’s a market memory you’ll never forget, one where you had to be there to really understand it?

Being in the 2007–2009 crash was something I will always remember as it was a time of such great uncertainty. It taught me that until you live through something like that, you never quite know just how you are going to handle significant capital drawdowns in your accounts and just what you have mentally to pull back up.

To learn more about Anne-Marie and her Premium Room, visit it on Stocktwits here. It’s called Premium Trades: trading using custom proprietary technology. Trades last as few as hours to several days.

How a Former Biostatistician Became a Pro Trader was originally published in The Stocktwits Blog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.