March 28, 2025

A New Look For Stocktwits

Today, the look and feel of the Stocktwits logo officially changes. The Stocktwits design team has been hard at work. They’re excited to show off the new look and feel of Stocktwits to the world.

The new logomark is bold in its simplicity. It’s rooted in the ‘less than’ and ‘more than’ symbols. It speaks to the movement of markets, while the investor or trader stays steady, committed, and aware that markets are always moving.

The simple arrow-like shapes imply an exchange, whether of ideas or money. The two shapes coming together reference two people, an equal meeting of minds — be it opponents or allies — making it feel social, active, and connected to markets at all times.

When looked at as a whole, the two arrows form an ‘S’ providing a subtle nod to Stocktwits. We did this for the originals who have been with us since day one. The ‘S’ will never die. We’ve also changed the ‘T’ to lowercase, removing the legacy of old Stocktwits and its original tie to Twitter. Today, the Stocktwits platform on desktop and mobile has become the standalone largest community for investors and traders. People directly post to Stocktwits and users log-in exclusively from their Stocktwits account to post, share, and follow their favorite stocks.

We’re excited for everyone to see the new look for Stocktwits. As always, please reach out with any questions or comments.

A New Look For Stocktwits was originally published in The Stocktwits Blog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.